With this in mind, we were curious to see how it would fare on PS5 with its frame-rate limited removed. After all, no matter how you feel about the game, it's a stunning technical achievement that flirts with the limits of its original platform - and capping to 30fps was required in order to deliver its beautiful visuals. It's an interesting release: The Last of Us Part 2 stands as one of the most technically ambitious titles released for the PlayStation 4 and we wondered how well this sort of performance patch would work out. We've had the patch for a week now, allowing us to extensively test and re-test the game from start to finish.

It's a free upgrade takes the form of a 299MB patch - version 1.08 - that automatically updates the PlayStation 4 version of the game, offering PS5 users the chance to play the game at 60 frames per second. Extra vs.The Last of Us Part 2 has finally received its long-awaited PlayStation 5 upgrade, 11 months to the day since Naughty Dog's epic sequel launched on PS4 and Pro. PlayStation Spring Sale just added excellent PS5 games.Or if you have a particular game from your backlog in mind, there's also the ongoing PlayStation Spring Sale, which recently got even bigger thanks to a second wave of discounts. It's a seriously strong lineup of almost a dozen games, including the deckbuilding roguelike Slay the Spire, and top-tier first-person shooters in the Doom and Wolfenstein franchises. While you're at it, check out the PlayStation Plus April catalog for subscribers at the Extra and Premium tiers. So even if you've got a sizeable backlog already, don't let that detour you from getting these games free while you still can. To reiterate, if you add any of the games in the collection to your PS5 Game Library before the expiration date, you can still play them past May 9 so long as you remain subscribed to PlayStation Plus. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 - Zombie Chronicles Edition.