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Many people feel alienated from their political systems, and in another reversal, dem­ocratic backsliding has worsened. Even before the pandemic, feelings of insecurity were on the rise nearly everywhere. Many coun­tries experienced ongoing declines on the HDI in 2021. In the wake of the pandemic, and for the first time ever, the global Human Development Index (HDI) value declined-for two years straight. This new uncertainty complex and each new crisis it spawns are impeding human development and unsettling lives the world over. Constitut­ing it are three volatile and interacting strands: the desta­bilizing planetary pressures and inequalities of the Anthro­pocene, the pursuit of sweeping societal transformations to ease those pressures and the widespread and intensi­fying polarization. A new “uncertainty complex” is emerging, never before seen in human history. Uncertainty is not new, but its dimensions are taking om­inous new forms today. Together, they are fuelling a cost-of-living crisis felt around the world, painting a pic­ture of uncertain times and unsettled lives. Record-breaking temperatures, fires, storms and floods sound the alarm of planetary systems increasingly out of whack. War in Ukraine and elsewhere has created more human suffering. The ongoing Covid-19 pan­demic, having driven reversals in human development in almost every country, continues to spin off variants unpre­dictably.

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